Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why does Suffering = Character?

I opened my Bible today to read Romans. I love the book Romans. Plus, we just got back from Rome, so reading this book of the Bible has been extra special to me since we got back. I'm on Chapter 5 and couldn't get past the fourth verse. Here is what I read:
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (rom. 5:2 - 4)

This is one of those verses in the Bible that is just really painfully, beautifully, true. I didn't have much real character until I went through suffering. My childhood and college years could pretty much be described as idyllic. Meeting Matt was a fairly tale. Sure, they were bumps along the way, but nothing too crushing, no major heartbreak. And then, somewhere in the midst of 2006, I entered into a really hard season. Not because of a traumatic event or anything like that. The quiet - but constant - nagging in my soul got louder and I couldn't ignore it anymore. I finally had to come to terms with the fact that something "wasn't right". I finally surrendered the facade, and dove, head first, into a season that I affectionately now refer to as my "quid-life crisis".

To look at me, you wouldn't have known it was a hard season....unless you talked to me. Then I would talk incessantly about what I was learning, how I was changing. And I probably cried when I talked about it. I called it my "cocooning" season. God was basically stripping me down...everything about me. I was humbled. I realized I had been living in really false ways just to please others (ex - I took on the persona of a type A, have-it-all together person instead of just realizing that, to be honest, that's not me at all). It was a beautifully, hard season because I became real. I heard God's voice more than I ever had before. I spent hours in solitude, reading, praying, walking Taylor in the park. I traded in my "perfect" persona for the joy (but harsh reality) of realizing that I am a complete, utter mess, but God loves me like crazy anyway. I guess you could say I learned about grace.

And through God changing me, I began to love others in a way I simply couldn't before. John Eldridge says he doesn't trust a man who hasn't has his heart broken. I get that now. All judgement I had toward others was gone. I could drop my mask and be tender. I could take on the attitude of I'm a mess, you're a mess, let's just try to love God and each other as much as we can.

I love that God creates beauty out of suffering. That gives me hope.

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